Friday, 11 August 2017

academy of pastry arts india _ academy of pastry arts blogs

Caking and baking are something which according to many people is a new phenomenon , but the fact of the matter is baking is one art that has existed since the beginning of civilisation. The earliest instance of baking must have been when people gathered grains and mixed them. They, then pounded them to form a paste. This paste was then heated to form bread. This is how the first bread was made. Later on, people mixed honey, butter, and nuts to form what you can call the first cakes. The discovery of ovens dating some 3500 years back show that baking as an art has existed a long time back.

 Fast forwarding to the recent times, cake making has gone through a series of evolution, thanks to the modern system of baking. Nowadays several cake craft and culinary arts school have opened which provide cake baking courses. Cake baking courses in Delhi, for instance, are the best. These cooking schools have state of the art technology which help create the best cakes. They are generally visited by international faculty who help in baking cakes.The faculties in these training centres are meant to provide the best training in cooking.

Cake craft and culinary arts are meant to create cooks who know all the knick knack of cooking. These schools have the  state of the art technology and follow the latest trends in caking and baking. These cooking schools are meant to create avant garde cooks.

During the earlier times, cakes were mostly used in weddings, however, with the passage of time, cakes started being used in almost all social occasions. Cakes , perhaps, were first brought to India by the British. This trend has continued since then and cake making , has become a trend of late.

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Baking is one art which most people think as a modern invention, but the fact of the matter is that baking has existed since a long tim...